
Between 20 November and 10 December several important dates that highlight Trans* awareness across the region occur. The period includes Trans Day of Remembrance, Rainbow Identity Association’s Trans Pride in Botswana, World AIDS Day and International Human Rights Day. These are all significant dates that impact on our gender identity and gender expression.

We demand that Transgender persons across Africa are protected against violence, economic oppression and should enjoy full human rights – including the right to health care, and full legal protection. All countries in Africa are signatories to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights.

We call on you to stand with us and fight Transphobia in all its forms. Join us on Africa Trans* Day of Visibility taking place on Saturday 5 December 2015 at the Constitutional Hill in Johannesburg!

#HearMeSeeMeIncludeMe   #africatransdayofvisibility