
Statement on the CAS/IAAF discriminatory ruling against Caster Semenya

In a blow to the ongoing battle for equality in sports; the Court of Arbitration in Sport (CAS) ruled on 1 May 2019 that Caster Semenya will have to artificially lower her natural testosterone levels in order to compete professionally against other women in a number of middle-distance running events. This is the latest in…

ITF is hiring a Capacity Building Officer

The ITF is a trans activist and funder-led initiative that aims to increase the capacity of trans movements globally to self-organize and advocate for trans people’s rights, self-determination, and wellbeing. The ITF works to mobilize sustainable resources to help build strong, trans-led movements and collective action, and to address and eliminate funding gaps impacting trans…

Homophobes and abusers face justice

Iranti welcomes the resignation of Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training Mduduzi Manana. A man who resorts to physical violence is not suitable to act as a Deputy Minister of Higher Education in this country, plagued as it is by gender based violence. Furthermore, a man who considers being called gay, the ‘ultimate insult’,…