
Kenya: Leone Dalziel

Leone Dalziel, from Kenya, is a young Trans man, a social justice activist and a blogger. He is committed to improving the lives of transgender people in Africa. In 2015, Leone received a fellowship from the Open Society Foundation, East Africa (OSEA) to be based at Iranti. During his fellowship, he learned and practiced how…

Dr Anastacia Tomson

Anastacia Tomson is a medical doctor, activist and author. She has a history of working in primary healthcare, with a special interest in transgender health. Her autobiography, detailing her own experiences and challenges seen through the lens of transition, is set for release in early 2016. Anastacia is a vocal feminist and advocate for social justice,…

SA ICD-11 Field Testing

Iranti, together with other interested NGOs such as Gender Dynamix and GATE have been embarking on advocacy work around increasing African engagement with the ICD revision process, specifically in relation to Gender Incongruence in Adulthood and Adolescence as well as Childhood. From discussions that have taken place since the inception of our work in this…

WATCH: Africa Trans* Day of Visibility

If you missed it or want to relive this historical day, here’s a video about Africa Trans* Day of Visibility. On December 5, 2015 we celebrated African Trans* Visibility with panels, discussions, stalls and performances, all at Constitution Hill in Johannesburg, South Africa. History made: Photos from Africa Trans* Day of Visibility: On the 5…

Transgender Visibility Day INTERVIEW: Dr Anastacia Tomson

Article by Vikar Singh, National Officer for Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS (NORA) 5 December 2015 marked Africa’s first-ever Transgender Visibility Day. The initiative aims to fight Transphobia in all its forms and demands that transgender persons across Africa are protected against violence, economic oppression and should enjoy full human rights – including the…

Africa Trans* Visibility Day

Between 20 November and 10 December several important dates that highlight Trans* awareness across the region occur. The period includes Trans Day of Remembrance, Rainbow Identity Association’s Trans Pride in Botswana, World AIDS Day and International Human Rights Day. These are all significant dates that impact on our gender identity and gender expression. We demand…

We Honor Malume

Malume is Xolile Mabuza’s preferred name. He is his chosen gender pronoun. A proud Transgender rights activist and an overall human rights activist sadly passed away on the 13th September 2015. He was the founder and director of Rock of Hope and LGBTI human rights organisation in Swaziland. Iranti produced this tribute along with friends of Malume. there…