
Disebo Makau Judgment is a victory

South Africa, 26 May 2015 On 20 May 2015, in the Potchestroom High Court, Judge Kruger, stated that Disebo’s perpetrator showed no remorse to the heinous crime he committed. Sexual orientation must be protected and that hate crimes such as these can’t be condoned within South Africa’s democracy. Iranti followed this case from the beginning…

Disebo ‘Gift’ Makau

South Africa, 13 May 2015 VIDEO. Disebo ‘Gift’ Makau a young lesbian from Ventersdorp, North West province of SA was raped and murdered because of her sexual orientation. Iranti along with FEW, and LGBTI groups in the town has advocated for justice to served. This story is about the love and loss families and loved…

SA must lead at the UN

SA must lead in ensuring that all LGBTI citizens across the world are protected from violence and discrimination. Vote yes for reporting on good practices and violations.   Read more at the Daily Marverick: Crucial Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity UN resolution: SA’s vote will lead the way – but what will it be?