By Gugu Mandla
Iranti’s Gugu Mandla, Sandisiwe Dlamini and Lihle Ngcobozi attended the first Global Feminist LBQ Womxn’s Conference, which took place between 6 and 9 July 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa. The conference was organised by a working group consisting of 22 lesbian, bisexual and queer (LBQ) womxn activists of different backgrounds, representing all regions of the globe.
The conference was a space to recognise, celebrate and affirm the experiences, needs, organising and activism of LBQ womxn based on self-determination. Iranti’s team found the space very informative and was grateful for the opportunity to form new new partnerships and networks with like-minded womxn from across the globe.
Iranti also documented a number of different activists who spoke on their own work around feminism and activism for the LGBTI community in their own countries, and spoke on needs to improve for the movement to grow.
You can see a selection of photographs below to offer a small glimpse into this momentous coming-together of diverse and passionate womxn activists:

Photo by Gugu Mandla.

Photo by Gugu Mandla.

Photo by Gugu Mandla.

Photo by Gugu Mandla.