The Equal Rights Coalition is a global coalition of 42 countries dedicated to the protection and promotion of LGBTI people’s human rights development. Since its inception in 2016, the coalition has attempted to involve UN agencies and LGBTI civil society organisations from around the world in its programs to protect the human rights of LGBTI people.
This year’s two-day Equal Rights Coalition Global LGBTI conference was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with participation from member countries, international and development organisations, and LGBTI civil society organizations. The aim of the conference was to highlight what had been accomplished in recent years, discuss topics of interest related to LGBTIQ+ rights, and pass the baton to the next co-chairs (Mexico and Germany).
Iranti’s Trans Rights Programme Officer, Sylvester Kazibwe, attended the conference. He highlighted that the Equal Rights Coalition is an essential intergovernmental body because it commits states to pledge their efforts towards ensuring the promotion and protection of LGBTIQ+ rights. However, the majority of the Coalition’s member states are all global north countries, with Cabo Verde being the only other one from Africa, but were not even represented during the conference.
“I believe that Africa has the most pressing issues when it comes to the realisation of LGBTIQ+ rights, and African countries such as South Africa and Botswana, which have made constitutional and legal protections for LGBTIQ+ people, should join the Equal Rights Coalition and pave the way for more African countries to join this intergovernmental body” said Kazibwe.
Iranti urges African countries, particularly South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, and Kenya, to not only continue crafting inclusive laws and policies that protect LGBTIQ+ people, but also that they join global mechanisms, such as the Equal Rights Coalition, in reaffirming their commitment to LGBTIQ+ rights protection. The time has come for African countries to take such steps.