31 July – 1 August 2023, Balaclava, Mauritius
Theme: Bodily Autonomy: A fundamental human right
Between July 31st and August 1st, 2023, Intersex activists from various African countries convened for the 3rd Pan African ILGA Intersex Pre-Conference in Mauritius. The conference provided a platform for sharing insights and experiences and fostering collaboration under the theme of “Bodily Autonomy: A Fundamental Human Right.”
Guided by the Africa Intersex Movement Statements of 2017 and 2019, we, the African Intersex activists, proudly declare our commitment to sharing knowledge and experiences, while collaboratively shaping our strategic direction.
Our purpose is to amplify the voices of African Intersex individuals regionally and internationally. We offer ourselves as a resource for intelligence to allies and stakeholders invested in advancing the ongoing struggle for intersex rights, autonomy, and self-determination.
We affirm the existence of intersex people across all African nations. We live within societies that perpetuate violence and discrimination against us, influenced by cultural, traditional, and medical norms. Intersex people have long endured discrimination, misunderstanding, and stigmatization. Our stories have frequently been erased by society. However, we assemble today as a compassionate and empathetic force, determined to construct a world that embraces the full spectrum of diversity.

Today, at this pivotal conference, we address a matter of paramount significance – the rights, dignity, and acknowledgment of intersex individuals. United, we stand to raise our voices, engage in meaningful dialogue, and foster positive transformation for a community that has been historically marginalized and disregarded.
We acknowledge that the path to progress is illuminated by empathy, education, and unwavering support. As allies and donors, your role is pivotal. Your resources, influence, and dedication help reshape the narrative surrounding intersex individuals, cultivating a foundation for a more equitable future.
Together, we must advocate for:
Awareness and Education: We must work tirelessly to educate ourselves and others about intersex variations, dispelling myths and misinformation. Let us engage in conversations that foster understanding and empathy, breaking down the walls of ignorance that have kept intersex experiences hidden.
Self-determination and Autonomy: We believe in the right of every individual to bodily autonomy and self-determination.
Legal Protections: It is imperative to advocate for legal frameworks that protect intersex individuals from discrimination and ensure equal access to opportunities in education, employment, and healthcare
Inclusive Language: Let us commit to using inclusive language that respects and acknowledges intersex people’s identities and experiences. By doing so, we foster an environment where everyone is valued and affirmed
Collaboration and Representation: We urge stakeholders to collaborate with intersex-led organisations and activists, ensuring their voices are heard and respected in decision-making spaces and processes.
Cultural Shift: We envision a society that celebrates diversity, dismantling binary perceptions of gender and sex. By challenging societal norms that perpetuate stigma, we counter the erasure of intersex identities.
Furthermore, we appeal to donors to:
Provide Core Funding: Offer flexible, sustainable, and contextually relevant core funding to intersex grassroots organizations.
Include Intersex Issues: Integrate intersex concerns into funding portfolios.
Support Partnerships: Assist in forming intersectional cross-movement partnerships between the intersex movement and other social justice movements.
Enhance Effectiveness: Contribute to the effectiveness and safety of intersex organisations and activists.
To our LGBTQ+ comrades and allies, we encourage you to:
Employ Intersectional Strategies: Embrace an inclusive and respectful intersectional approach that acknowledges intersex realities and contexts.
Elevate Intersex Voices: Prioritize intersex voices in advocating for intersex rights.
Build Partnerships: Support cross-movement collaborations while adhering to principles such as “do no harm,” “nothing about us, without us,” and “leave no one behind.”
Let this conference be a turning point, a catalyst for change that ripples out into every corner of society. Together, we can shape a future where all individuals are celebrated for who they are, regardless of their sexual characteristics, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation!
Kwa Umoja!