
X-Hibition: 10 Years of Iranti Art & Photography

Iranti has made tremendous strides in using media as an advocacy tool to strengthen collective visual, audio, and written evidence-based documentation and reporting on lesbian, gender non-conforming, transgender and intersex persons for the advancement of their human rights in Africa. To this end, Iranti has curated an exhibition aimed at showcasing the organisation’s documentation and…

Iranti Celebrates 10 Years of Solidarity

2022 sees Iranti celebrating its 10th year of existence. In acknowledgement of the many milestones that the organisation has accomplished, we hosted a celebratory event for our staff, partners and friends at the House of Iranti. Over the past decade the organisation has grown from its foundational phase with a few volunteers, to a well-established…

Intersex Visibility in Nigeria

In June 2022, Iranti and Intersex Nigeria hosted a session addressing themes and concerns around Visibility of Intersex on the continent Intersex people and intersectionality Violations that intersex people face on the continent Harmful cultural practices Self-determination, bodily autonomy and agency are crucial in affirming one’s human dignity. Iranti has been doing ongoing work to…

PRESS RELEASE: Iranti remembers Thapelo Pule Makhutle – 10 years on

23 JUNE 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE On June 9th, 2012, the body of 24-year-old Thapelo Pule Makhutle, was found mutilated in his rented room in Seweding, Kuruman in the Northern Cape. In an effort to ensure justice would be served for this gruesome and horrific murder, Thapelo’s was the first ever case of violations against…

Nurturing Community Wellness on IDAHOBIT

Iranti celebrated International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexphobia & Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) with two events over the week, including a wellness day and a regional webinar. To commemorate IDAHOBIT, the Iranti Programmes team, in collaboration with Communications and Media team , organised a day of wellness and self-care for queer activists  from the community-based organisations that we…

Iranti & Gender Dynamix win the bid to bring IGLA to Cape Town in 2024

As we commemorate International Day Against Biphobia, Intersexphobia and Transphobia, Iranti and Gender Dynamix (GDX) are heartened to receive Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Mr. Ronald Lamola’s support and endorsement of our successful bid to host the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association (ILGA) World Conference to be held in Cape Town…

Crystal Hendricks appointed as Chair of Intersex Steering Committee of IGLA World

Iranti celebrates the appointment of Crystal Hendricks as the Chair of Intersex Steering Committee of ILGA World. Crystal is a passionate Intersex human rights defender, born and raised in Cape Town. She is the Intersex Rights Programme Officer for Iranti and is involved in various intersex-related activities in South Africa and the Region. She also…