

PRESS STATEMENT FROM A COLLECTIVE OF TRANS AND GENDER DIVERSE ORGANISATIONS, IN RESPONSE TO NTSIKI MAZWAI’S TRANSPHOBIC POSTS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 18 JANUARY 2023 . On the 16th of January 2023, Ntsiki Mazwai published a problematic and hurtful tweet asserting the harmful and ungrounded view that women’s rights are threatened by trans rights. She wrote…

Moving Global Intersex Rights Forward

Over the last while, Iranti has been making bold and important moves to further intersex rights on the African continent, and across the globe.  During September 2022, our Intersex Rights Officer, Crystal Hendricks, had the opportunity to meet with Permanent Missions in Geneva for Uruguay, Canada, Australia, Finland, and the Netherlands. During the meetings, she…

Gender Marker changes made a little easier in South Africa

Since March this year, Iranti partnered with the Department of Home Affairs to do Road Trips around the country to assist transgender and intersex persons by bringing name change and gender marker change services directly to the community. Although the South African laws such as the Alternation of Sex Description and Sex Status Act (Act…

Iranti represented at the Equal Rights Coalition Global LGBTI Conference

The Equal Rights Coalition is a global coalition of 42 countries dedicated to the protection and promotion of LGBTI people’s human rights development. Since its inception in 2016, the coalition has attempted to involve UN agencies and LGBTI civil society organisations from around the world in its programs to protect the human rights of LGBTI…

Art-in-Activism: Reframing National Women’s Day

On the 9th and 10th of August 2022, Iranti commemorated South African Women’s Day with ARTivists and creatives from Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia in an effort to reshape and rethink commemoration days such as this that have historically been binary and heteronormative despite the intersectionality of the political reasons they were founded….

Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer Organising in the Region

Iranti’s LBQ work in the region focuses on the advocacy needs and strategies to support people who continue to suffer in their specific countries due to stigma, discrimination, and violence against their communities. We carefully and strategically consider our programmatic rollout based on these needs. With our regional team, comprised of staff from the representing three…

X-Hibition: 10 Years of Iranti Art & Photography

Iranti has made tremendous strides in using media as an advocacy tool to strengthen collective visual, audio, and written evidence-based documentation and reporting on lesbian, gender non-conforming, transgender and intersex persons for the advancement of their human rights in Africa. To this end, Iranti has curated an exhibition aimed at showcasing the organisation’s documentation and…

Iranti Celebrates 10 Years of Solidarity

2022 sees Iranti celebrating its 10th year of existence. In acknowledgement of the many milestones that the organisation has accomplished, we hosted a celebratory event for our staff, partners and friends at the House of Iranti. Over the past decade the organisation has grown from its foundational phase with a few volunteers, to a well-established…