Iranti has made tremendous strides in using media as an advocacy tool to strengthen collective visual, audio, and written evidence-based documentation and reporting on lesbian, gender non-conforming, transgender and intersex persons for the advancement of their human rights in Africa.
To this end, Iranti has curated an exhibition aimed at showcasing the organisation’s documentation and photography work from the past decade.
Named “X-hibition” in commemoration of the organisation’s 10th anniversary the installation showcases Iranti’s work through the organisation’s 10 year anniversary theme: “10 years of Solidarity. Collective Memory. Collective Joy. Collective Freedom.” and celebrates the LGBTIQ movement’s solidarity through the exploration of memory, joy and freedom”
X-hibition opened at the House of Iranti as part of the 10 Year Anniversary Celebration. The works are planned as a broader traveling exhibition which will be on show in galleries around South Africa over the coming months. Here’s a sneak peak of the work currently on display:
Collective Memory

Collective Joy

Collective Freedom